Saturday, January 26, 2008

Business Can Be Part-Time: Being A Mom Is Always Full-Time

Sometimes it might feel that your business is taking up all of your time. It can be very common to feel as though all you do is work on your business, answer calls, talk to clients and put out fires at the office. In fact, sometimes you may feel as if your family is being shoved to the background because you are too busy with work.

The thing that you need to remember, even when work gets crazy, is that business can be part time, but being a mom is always full time. Once you have children, you are a mom twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week, for fifty-two weeks of the year. You dont get time off, you dont get vacation, and you definitely dont get sick days. Once you become a mom, you are always a mom, and thats great! It just means that you need to reprioritize your life.

Depending on your business, you may have the flexibility to work part-time while your children are young, enjoying the best of both worlds. Some businesses allow working women the ability to care for their children, enjoying every moment that being a mother provides, while building a career and a future for that family.

Even if you dont have the ability to work your business part time while your children are young, you need to remember that business can be part-time and being a mom is always full time. This will never be so apparent than if you get a phone call in the middle of an important meeting that your child is sick at school and you need to come and pick him up. Being a mom means never taking a day off, no matter what!

If you dont feel like your current position or occupation allows you enough flexibility to spend ample time with your children, it doesnt hurt to take a look around. They are numerous jobs that allow you to spend time with your children, take care of them when they are sick, and make enough money to maintain your household. Dont ever feel that you are stuck in your current occupation because there are opportunities for everyone out there to make a life that is family-friendly and balanced. Your children are number one, and if your company doesnt understand that, then you can find a company that does. has job postings, books, and other resources that can help you find a desirable, flexible position that works with you and your children.

Need a little inspiration? Check out Kitchen Table Entrepreneurs: How Eleven Women Escaped Poverty and Became Their Own Bosses by Martha Shirk and Anna S. Wadia (available at Kitchen Table Entrepreneurs tells the inspirational stories of eleven low-income women who have marshaled the creative energy, confidence, and capital necessary to start their own small businesses. These women, who have used their entrepreneurial skills as a route out of poverty, give an American face to an economic empowerment tool that has enjoyed great success in developing countries. By becoming their own bosses, they not only provide for their children but also inspire them.

Real Estate, Business and Life Coach Cheri Alguire has partnered with hundreds of Real Estate Professionals and Small Business Owners to help them become more successful in business and in life. Coach Cheri specializes in Group Coaching for Small Business Owners, Working Mothers, Real Estate Agents and Managers. Learn more at

Real Estate, Business and Life Coach Cheri Alguire has partnered with hundreds of Real Estate Professionals and Small Business Owners to help them become more successful in business and in life. Coach Cheri specializes in Group Coaching for Small Business Owners, Working Mothers, Real Estate Agents and Managers. Learn more at http://www.NextLevelServices.netSharie Blog59718
Sibyl Blog96812

Video Surveillance Camera Technology

Video surveillance cameras are more prevalent today than anytime in the past. Their use has surged along with the boom in technology as this new technology becomes cheaper and more sophisticated. There are numerous types and styles of surveillance cameras. For example, there dome cameras, hidden cameras, smoke detecting cameras, and "smart" cameras that are equipped with motion detectors, just to name a few.

Video surveillance cameras are classified according to the technology that is used in their design. CCTV [closed circuit TV] cameras are those that have a completely closed circuit and all the components are connected together. On the other hand, advanced digital cameras are those that connected by a circuit but can be located at any site around the world. Digital video recorders [DVRs] do not need VCR's and other recording equipment in order to capture or record on-site activities. The software is designed to automatically record unusual activity even in odd hours of the day.

You can find video surveillance cameras used in many different places. They are used in school buses and schools to monitor activities of students. You will also find them being used in retail establishments, public gathering places, traffic reporting, and many more places. Small hidden cameras know as nanny cams have been used successfully by parents concerned about their children's care from sitters and caretakers. Hidden cameras are also available for sale in brick and mortar stores and on the Internet. You find these cameras hidden in clocks, smoke detectors, and soft toys such as a teddy bear, just to name a few.

This style of camera is differentiated according to its effectiveness. A 360-degree revolving dome camera can capture images anywhere on the site. Infrared surveillance type cameras are found used by government and law enforcement agencies such as the SWAT for tailing suspects at night. They too are found mounted in police helicopters to aid them in searching suspects hidden in brush by either day or night.

Detective agencies and security agencies use these cameras to monitor people at their client's request. It is currently lawful in most areas to install a camera in a common public area and record public activities; however, there is a lot of debate over this subject. Even government agencies such as the Federal Bureau of Investigation [FBI] need a warrant in order to carry out video surveillance in private places or homes. Small hand held cameras, also available in the marketplace, help monitor the elderly and in nurseries and preschools where children are kept under watch.

Video surveillance cameras are available in the price range of $100 to $800 for the most part. However, it depends on the complexity of the technology used in them. Well-made fake cameras are also available for as less as $3, which act as deterrents for robbers and thieves but are not recommended in some applications.

Bill Wallmuller is the founder of Merokee Enterprises and is committed everyone's safety and the war on crime. Please visit http://www.surveillance-equipment-technology.comSidonia Blog44599
Shirleen Blog67533

Top Artists Join Music Project To Benefit The California Schools

Over the past decade, music has been severely declining within the California schools. A recent study showed that within the past five years there has been a 50 percent decline in student participation in music programs. Additionally, it showed that one third of all music teachers have lost their jobs within that same time frame. The study predicts that music education will be eliminated from the California schools within the next ten years, unless dramatic changes occur. Music within the California schools system is at a critical juncture.

Singer Bonnie Raitt said, Its a shame we are depriving so many California children of the benefits of music in schools. She stated that every child deserves the chance to develop their fullest with a well-rounded education, including the arts.

To that end, the California Arts Council spearheaded the California Music Project (CMP), a 401(c)(3) nonprofit, long-term initiative. The California schools, music industry executives, and the council will work together through the CMP to bring much needed revenues and music programs back into the California schools. The goals of the CMP are to:

Provide grant funding to music teachers, music professionals, and the California schools to bring more music leaning to students;

Develop joint ventures with universities, businesses, foundations and music-focused organizations to fund, pilot and expand music programs within the California schools; and

Serve as an advocate to both the public and private sectors to further music as a core discipline, so that every California schools students has equal access.

Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger proposed and approved a state budget with the California schools slated to receive an estimated $105 million in ongoing funding for arts education. That is an estimated $17-18 per student. Included is a one-time allocation of $500 million for arts, music and physical education equipment. Yet, it will not be enough to reverse the tremendous, almost ten-year decline of music education within the California schools. The California schools remain underfunded and understaffed in music education.

The CMP plans to heighten awareness and raise funds through all-star music CDs with top California performers, special events, and concerts around the state.

The first CD is scheduled for release in late October. Artists, publishers and labels donate all the songs and performances, with proceeds going to the CMP. It features a variety of genres from 18 California singers, musicians and bands. Included are: Los Lobos, Leela James, Beck, Dwight Yoakam, Warrne Zevon, Ben Harper, Jack Johnson, Jackson Browne, Bonnie Raitt, the Red Hot Chili Peppers, and others.

The artists are very passionate about their work and want to see California schools students get some of the same attention they received while growing up around music. Working with the CMP, the artists may get their wish.

Patricia Hawke is a staff writer for Schools K-12, providing free, in-depth reports on all U.S. public and private K-12 schools. For more information on California schools visit Blog93188
Stoddard Blog32586

Tips on Choosing a Homeschool Curriculum

Now that youve made the choice to homeschool your child, youre faced with thousands of curriculum choices. How do you know what is right for your family? Here are some tips to help narrow down your choices and guide you to the best curriculum for your child.

Consider your objectives

Think about why you chose homeschooling. What is the most important benefit in your estimation? Are you concerned about the quality of your childs education? Do you want to mesh your childs secular education with religious instruction? Is it important to you that your child be accepted into a good college, or are you more concerned with teaching your child entrepreneurialism or respect for the earth?

What is truly important to you and how do you want to impart that to your child?

Answering these questions can help lead you in the right direction in regards to what curriculum to choose.

Consider your situation

Do you have 3 or more children? Do you work part time or have little support? Its going to be especially challenging for you to spend time educating. A curriculum that requires minimal teacher preparation and supervision might be best, for instance the All in One style of homeschool curriculum versus unit studies.

What about your financial situation? If you are short on funds, you may lean towards an eclectic style. You can find homeschool materials cheaply or even free via the Internet, and even yard sales, thrift stores and online auctions. Conversely, if money is no object, you can go all out and pick a curriculum that includes all the craft and science project materials as well as hard bound books your child will be reading during the year. Teacher support via Internet or phone may be available also.

Consider your philosophy

Do you believe in a classical education philosophy that dictates a lot of copywork and memorization, or are you a proponent of a more experiential, hands on or informal style of learning? If you choose a curriculum that doesnt mesh with your beliefs about education, youll find yourself frustrated and likely your child will be unhappy too.

There is no one best choice. You should be congratulated for being willing to invest the time and energy to educate your child at home. Dont stress out about curriculum choices. As a home schooling parent you are free to change things whenever you want to. Finding the right curriculum for you and your child isnt that hard once you know what you truly want from your home schooling experience.

Carrie Lauth is a homeschooling Mom of 4 and the host of For more homeschooling resources, visit: Silvia Blog45232
Sharna Blog80821

Getting Sucked Into Social Networking

The 21st century saw the boom of the social networking industry. Online social communities have formed and flourished, bridging that space between and among people from different ages, race, and gender. Dozens of social networking sites are now catering to the hobbies and interests of millions of users all over the world.

Social networking began with in 1995. This sites goal is to help its members find, connect, keep in touch, and form a network with friends and acquaintances from preschool through college, from work, or from the military.

Unlike other networking sites that gained popularity in recent years, uses real names instead of screen names. It also has a rigid privacy policy - the contact information of the member is never revealed within the network unless disclosed one on one by the account owner to another member.

Another social network,, emerged in 1997. SixDegrees allows its users to send messages or post bulletins to a list of friends or family members found within their network. SixDegrees faced its early demise four years later, just as the Friendster online community was starting to flourish.

With Friendster, you can invite and add as many friends as you want. You can also upload photos, write blogs and reviews, instant-message other members from your network, and form online groups with those who share the same interests as you have.

At present, Friendsters social network has more than 40 million registered users. Until around April 2004, Friendster was on the top lead among dozens of other social networking sites. MySpace overtook Friendster in terms of page views, and many other social networking sites like Multiply and Hi5.

MySpace is one of the most popular websites in the Internet these days. Just like Friendster, it allows you to collect a network of friends and share blogs, photos, music, and videos with them. This social networking website is very much popular on English speaking countries, while most people from Asia prefer to use Friendster. MySpace already has more than a hundred million members in 2006.

The two major search engines, Google and Yahoo!, have launched their own social networking sites - orkut and Yahoo! 360. Most blogging sites also allow you to create a network of friends online.

The thing is, most social networking sites work similarly they all allow users to expand their network by inviting friends or acquaintances and to share information over the Internet. When you post blogs or files in your account, everyone from your network of friends will be informed of the update through RSS feeds. You also have the option to keep a particular post private to just a few individuals in your network.

Social networks are the best way to increase the number of people in which you are connected with, so if you are into business, you might as well get yourself into social networking to promote your product and increase your sales.

You can choose from hundreds social networking websites available in the web today. However, you might prefer to use a particular networking site in which a lot of your personal friends and contacts are already members. In this way, its much easier for you to expand your network and share the contents of your site to other users.

Matthew Bredel is the owner of TheWebReviewer:, Home Based Business Reviews, and Home Based Business Lessons. Matt currently is located in Southern California and is married with two children.Stoddard Blog32586
Shirl Blog94876

Graduate School Admissions

In order to gain acceptance into Graduate School, several requirements or educational items must be met. These items vary from school to school; however, the main ones needed are listed below, with a brief overview of each.

- Transcript -

Colleges need a copy of a students permanent academic records, otherwise known as a transcript. This transcript details the students academic background by listing the courses taken along with the grades achieved in each. So that security measures are enforced and transcripts not altered, these documents need to come from the registrars office of the college or university attended. Some colleges and universities accept telephone orders for transcripts, charging a few dollars each to process the requests and mailing. Others honor online or postal mail requests.

When a student has an original transcript copy with a raised seal on hand, a copy of this may be substituted, depending upon the graduate schools requirements. Interested parties should check ahead first to see which type is needed. Do allow plenty of time for orders to reach destinations, as the process can take many weeks. And do follow up to make sure your transcripts arrive. (Many do not and must be resent!)

- Standardized Test Scores -

The results of standardized tests such as the GRE are required. Depending upon the major area of study, other scores may be needed such as: the LSAT for law school; the MCAT for medical school; the GMAT for business school.

- Recommendations - -

Letters of recommendation are required to help show your good traits and personality, etc. to new prospective school administrators. So choose professors from your past undergraduate years who can write positive letters for your file. Include any from persons with whom research and volunteer work was performed as well.

- Essay -

Most graduate programs seek a personal statement and/or admissions essay to be submitted along with the application. Put a lot of thought and planning into this, using books form the public library to help as needed; creating an outline, draft and final revision copy. Include volunteer and research work youve done and plan to do, any career work, etc. Ask the Graduate School for guidelines and samples.

- MISC -

Some schools require an interview. Seek job application books for tips in this area for what to wear, speaking tips, questions and answer tips, etc.

John DayeSofie Blog34308
Sharra Blog18203

No. 1 Fastest, Easiest and Proven Principle in Runescape That Wins Over And Over Again

Secret 3: Listen Up, friends of Runescape! Dont Lose in Runescape

As obvious as it might seem in Runescape, this is one of the most often-forgotten rules in Runescape. In RuneScape, losing means dying and also means losing something valuable. Think about it, all friends of Runescape.

Imagine yourself in Runescape, friends of Runescape, rich with gold and armored in full rune in Runescape. You decide to check out the deep Wilderness in Runescape, but realize youve never been there before while playing Runescape. You shrug and bring along a bunch of lobsters and a law rune while playing Runescape after all, you can just teleport back instantly if something goes wrong in Runescape. You arrive at level 39 Wilderness in Runescape, kill a few giants in Runescape, and spot some newbie running around in Runescape. You laugh and decide to kill him as well as you are playing Runescape. While youre enjoying the iron the newbie dropped in Runescape, two level 80 mages show up in Runescape.

They notice the gigantic skull above your head and start attacking you as youre playing Runescape, hitting 25s and 30s with their spells in Runescape more than you thought possible in Runescape. You eat lobsters as fast as you can in Runescape, and quickly click on Teleport to Varrock but nothing happens in Runescape. The lobsters run out, the 80s laugh, and you lose yourself a full set of rune in Runescape. You lose in Runescape, friends of Runescape.

This could happen to any players in Runescape. And if you dont take the time to learn about where youre going to go in Runescape such as the fact that you cant teleport past level 20 wilderness in Runescape then youre going to lose a lot of items in Runescape. This doesnt only apply to the wilderness in Runescape: always scout a place out in Runescape(or look it up) before going there in Runescape. Many people lose a lot of valuable equipment in Runescape because they didnt know how aggressive and strong some creatures are while playing Runescape.

Making one million gp a day in Runescape isnt going to help much if you keep losing it all in Runescape by dying with expensive equipment on in Runescape!

Dont get me wrong, friends of Runescape. Dying isnt that bad of a thing by itself in Runescape you can use it as a free teleport to Lumbridge in Runescape, in fact. The problem is when you lose valuable items and equipments in Runescape.

To prevent unnecessary dying such mentioned above in Runescape, always look up where youre going to go in Runescape. If its somewhere youve never been before in Runescape, make it so that you know what kind of monsters live in that area in Runescape. Know whether theyre aggressive in Runescape (like deadly red spiders) and know whether you can beat them in Runescape. Here are a few rules of thumb to use whenever adventuring in Runescape:

1. Always look the area up beforehand in Runescape.

2. Always bring some sort of food Runescape.

3. Never bring exorbitant amounts of gold or other unnecessary stackables in Runescape.

4. Save your running for when it counts walk when its not necessary in Runescape.

Basically, friends of Runescape, do everything thats NOT mentioned above in Runescape. Alternatively, you can just decide to go there in Runescape, look around, and die in Runescape. In this case, you can bring three items (or four if you have Protect Items) and minimal food in Runescape.

Copyright 2006 Roy Phay

Roy Phay is an Internet Marketer on Top 101 Secrets of Runescape ebook. It is a content-rich and most valuable ebook ever written on Runescape, it is Not about Runescape Cheats. It is an ebook sharing the Fastest, Easiest Step-by-Step cut throat strategies to Create Millions and Level 85+ in RuneScape in less than 7 days. To get a copy of the ebook, please click on NOW!Sharline Blog99265
Sileas Blog16286

Earning A Health Care Degree Online Is Possible

Many people enjoy working in the health care field, the career being an attractive one for many reasons. After all, you're helping others, the job opportunities abound and the field of medicine is an exciting one that's developing constantly. A career in health care is an exciting one, with hands-on experience and being personally satisfying. However, individuals wanting to break into the medical world need strong credentials and up-to-date training to have good employment opportunities with hospitals, private practices and ambulatory care centers. Finding that training can be difficult, but there are options available, thanks to technology and a widening recognition of virtual instruction. Obtaining a health care degree online is a smart choice for landing satisfying employment.

Online education is transforming the way individuals receive instruction for top careers. The fields of opportunities are expanding and being able to earn your health care degree online is a perfect example of just how far education has come. Accredited universities and colleges provide high-quality instruction, leading to Bachelors and Masters Degrees that are recognized by employers. The training has a leading reputation amongst hospitals and health care facilities of all kinds, making individuals valuable assets to the medical field.

Obtaining your health care degree online can help with upward mobility on the ladder of success and increase job opportunities in the medical field. Expanding your education can improve communication skills and promote individual value to the mid-level management section, allowing students to respond to ever-widening community diversity. Interpreting and analyzing data as well as identifying human values, moral choices and fundamental beliefs are just part of what a health care degree online can provide to individuals. Courses within this field of online education touch on varied subjects, such as anatomy, legal issues, the aging process and research methods.

There are other reasons why pursuing a health care degree online is advantageous. Education in the virtual world allows students to easily balance studies with employment, meaning that individuals can continue to work and earn income while earning credits towards a degree in their own time. Home life, education and employment blend very easily, allowing students to combine all three areas of their lives without needing to take time off work to study or put off raising children to obtain an education. Also, pursuing an online degree allows individuals to save money on costs of transportation and commuting to educational facilities or having to pay for lodgings on or near a campus.

Employment opportunities in the health care field are continually broadening as the world's population ages. Research and technology allow people to live longer, providing ample careers to those who pursue a profession in the medical field. As our population of senior citizens continues to expand, the needs for skilled professionals able to tend to individuals increases and finding employment is usually easy, for those who have the qualifications and credentials of accredited educational facilities. Top schools and universities have responded to the demands and offer excellent, recognized training to students in a manner that matches the technological revolution of today's computer-based world.

Government offices continually demand high-quality workers and their predictions claim that having solid training is a must for those entering the health care world. Consumers and clients of hospitals, private practices, ambulatory care centers and home health agencies are also asking for better-quality care from those who tend to their needs. The advantages to earning a health care degree from a reputable educational facility are many and the long-term results will provide individuals with solid, satisfying and exciting careers.

Andy West is a freelance writer for Virginia College. Virginia College Online offers many Health Care Degree Online programs. Please visit Virginia College Online at to select the online program that is right for you.Shoshanna Blog43241
Sherry Blog23872

Can You Get A Bachelor Degree Online At A University?

There are lots of reasons why you might want to get your education without actually setting foot on campus. And now, there are many ways you can do this. If you want to get your bachelor degree online at a university, it takes lots of discipline and determination, but it is convenient and you can do it without moving or having to quit your job.

What Should You Look For In A Program?

There are lots of options for studying on the internet. Most major colleges offer web courses and degrees. There are also institutions and companies that offer degrees on the internet only. It depends on what suits you. You also must keep in mind what employers in your field are looking for. But, how can you tell if this is the real deal or not? Here are some tips that can help you when you are trying to decide what's right for you.

No matter what kind of program you are interested in, you have to make sure it's accredited. This means that it is recognized as being a 'real' educational institution by an official organization. There are six such organizations given the authority by the US Department of Education to offer accreditation. It basically means that the institution meets certain standards of educational quality. If you go to a school that is not accredited, the degree you get may be worthless to employers, so it is important to make sure.

What Degree Program Should I Pick?

One good way to decide what major is best for you is to look at the course catalog and check out the required classes for the major. Do they sound interesting? Is that what you want to study? This will help you determine if that's what you want to do or not.

Another way to decide if a certain program is for your or not, is to look at the faculty. What kind of experience do they have? And what qualifications? Usually, the more PhD's you see, the better. Also, find out where they went to school. Where are their degrees from? A real school has faculty from all over the place, who have graduated from many different schools. If they all graduated from this school, that should tell you right there that this is a scam. Look for real qualifications!

Where the students go after they graduate is also an indication of the quality of the education. Look to see what professional organizations are connected to the school. This will help you when you get out in the real world. Contact someone from the school and talk to them about your educational and professional plans, and see what they have to say. A live person can answer your questions about a particular degree program better than a website or schedule of classes can. After you have consulted someone, see if the program suits your long-term goals or not. Try to find the one that suits you the best. Look at where the school's graduates go and ask yourself, is that where I want to be? It is important to keep looking ahead and thinking about how the education you get now will benefit you for the rest of your life.

Here's another thing to keep in mind: if the school accepts everyone who applies, that might be a bad sign. Real schools have entrance requirements that must be met by prospective students.

How Is Studying On The Internet Different?

It may seem obvious, but before getting into a degree program using the internet, make sure that you have a fast, reliable internet connection. Make sure that your computer can handle all the heavy use it's going to get. If you get into the program and start having computer trouble, that will cause big problems. You will spend a lot of time on the web. Most assignments will be there on the internet and you will have to download and upload them. Instead of classroom discussions, you will be communicating through a thread in a forum. In most classes you will be required to log in a certain number of times each week and make contributions to these forums.

Find out from each prospective school what type of support for students is available. Make sure that you are able to communicate with your professors. You will be doing most of the work yourself, but teachers must be accessible. And, can you communicate with the other students in the class? This kind of interaction is an important part of your education, so you have to keep the lines of communication open. Taking a course on the web means that you will have to spend lots of time with a good, reliable computer.

How Much Should I Expect To Pay?

One of the advantages of taking a class like this is that you don't have to pick up and move somewhere. That saves you lots of money on your education. However, if you take a course through a recognized school, you will still be paying tuition and fees. No matter how you do it, education is not cheap. But, doing it that way, you will cut down on your relocation and living expenses, which will help. Even for these kinds of classes, financial aid may be available.

Actually, classes taken over the web often have slightly higher tuition than traditional classes taken on campus. So, you might actually end up paying more. Still, the benefits may outweigh the costs for you. These programs are ideally suited for adult workers. They are designed for working adults, so there is a lot of flexibility. It might be the right choice for you.

Nic Haffner is a writer and internet publisher who likes to write about elearning and educational issues in general. You can read more at his e-learning news and in depth information website http://www.1-elearning.comShay Blog43034
Sisely Blog97924

Improvement in Florida Schools Libraries Boosts FCAT Scores and Students Reading Abilities

The purpose of any school library is to promote reading and improve reading and research skills. Educators have long agreed that good libraries are essential to academic success, since students must be able to read by third grade in order to learn other subjects, such as history and science.

A study by Donna Baumbach, professor and director of the Instructional Technology Resource Center at the University of Central Florida, has found there is a direct link between professionally-staffed libraries and the number of Florida schools students reading at grade level or above.

The year long study analyzed more than 1,700 Florida schools libraries and found that well-stocked libraries had a direct correlation to better students FCAT (Florida Comprehensive Assessment Test) scores. The elementary schools had increased FCAT reading scores of nine percent. The middle schools improved by three percent, and the high schools by 22 percent. The study also showed that FCAT scores were even higher at Florida schools with certified media specialists running the libraries.

The study found two aspects to a good library (1) A well-stocked library with current selections, and (2) a certified media specialist in charge.

Need for Newer Books

A few years ago, the Orlando Sentinel did a story on the shape of Florida schools libraries. Their findings were gloomy at best. They found that most Florida schools libraries were full of antiquated collections of books and run by untrained clerks. The publicity gave the libraries a tremendous boost in unexpected funding. Generally, half of a school librarys annual budget comes from book fairs, parent organizations, candy sales and profits from school supply sales.

Though state funding of Florida schools libraries remained at its previous $15 million, the Sentinel story encouraged Florida community groups, businesses, charities and churches to donate hundreds of thousands of dollars for library improvement across the state.

Yet, the Florida schools libraries still have fewer books per student than the national average. The state buys more books than the national average, but the Florida schools are not keeping up with the influx of new students each year.

The counties of Orange, Lake, Volusia and Polk have one out-of-five books published before 1980. Osceola County had the best book collection with 11 percent published since the year 2000.

Baumbachs study indicates a desperate need for fresh library resources for the Florida schools.

Need for More Certified Media Specialists

The second half of the equation is the need for more certified media specialists. The study showed that Florida schools libraries with these professionals had more books per student and more subscriptions to newspapers and periodicals. They had more students using the libraries, a greater circulation of books, and more computers per student.

Certified media specialists bring to their positions knowledge and experience that Florida schools libraries with part-time help, teachers and clerks cannot provide. These specialists can actually supplement library funding by applying for grants. They take the books to the students by rotating books among classrooms, rather then leaving them sit on the shelves. They create reading incentive programs and provide multimedia instruction. They can even work with teachers to assess student test scores and determine areas of reading where some students may need further assistance.

The counties of Seminole and Volusia, however, have decreased these professionals over the past few years. The counties of Osceola, Polk, Brevard, Lake and Orange have shown an increase.

Florida schools are making improvements to their libraries, but not all Florida schools are equal. If you are determining which school is right for your child, be sure to take a look at the school library before making your final decision.

Patricia Hawke is a staff writer for Schools K-12, Which provides free, in-depth reports on all U.S. public and private K-12 schools. Patricia has a nose for research and writes stimulating news and views on school issues.Shane Blog83007
Siana Blog66271

The Importance Of Reading In Home Schooling

If you choose to become a home schooler for the flexibility it allows then you likely value the philosophy that learning does not begin or end when a school bell rings. You understand the necessity and benefits of incorporating learning activities into life as a whole.

The flexibility of home schooling also allows you the time to devote one on one with your child and assist him in learning in a manner that suits him best and to the best of his abilities.

Remember the old clich Reading, Writing and Arithmetic? There is a reason why reading is place first. This is the fundamental skill upon which all others are built. Therefore, when working with your child it is importance to emphasis his reading skills.

Reading is a subject matter that unfortunately the public schools are not handling well. Many students test at a low percentile on standardized tests. As a home schooler you have the opportunity to emphasize reading to your child throughout the day, in addition to working one on one with him as he begins the reading process.

Once your child is reading on his own the best thing you can do is make sure he always has books available to him on subject matters that interest him. While it may be hard to convince him to perform math problems in his free time, reading can be cast in a more enjoyable light.

Encourage him to read whatever interests him in his leisure time. If you can get him in the habit of reading when he is young it will stick with him. By assisting him in finding books on subjects that he enjoys he will equate reading with an enjoyable experience, which will assist his education down the road.

It is important that you set a good example for him as well. Make sure he sees you reading. And try to cut down on television time by making a family reading time in the evening. Later in the evening, close to his bedtime, let him know that will be getting ready for bedtime soon as well as you have a good book that you want to read.

Reading assists in problem solving and critical thinking skills. And while reading a book your child will be able to absorb facts within its pages as well.

Since reading is a difficult task to grasp it is important to start your child young. It is equally important to distill an enjoyment of reading while he is young as it will be harder to do so when he gets older.

Jennifer Petersen is a staff writer at and is an occasional contributor to several other websites, including Blog93188
Shaylyn Blog8913

Bi Polar, Are You Like a Yo-yo, up and down? Then Read This!

Symptoms of Bipolar Disorder
Types of Bipolar Disorder
Bipolar Disorder in Children
Helping a friend
Support Groups

Bipolar disorder (also known as manic depression) is a treatable illness marked by extreme changes in mood, thought, energy and behavior. It is not a character flaw or a sign of personal weakness. Bipolar disorder is also known as manic depression because a persons mood can alternate between the "poles" mania (highs) and depression (lows). This change in mood or "mood swing" can last for hours, days weeks or months.

Bipolar disorder affects more than two million adult Americans. It usually begins in late adolescence (often appearing as depression during teen years) although it can start in early childhood or later in life. An equal number of men and women develop this illness (men tend to begin with a manic episode, women with a depressive episode) and it is found among all ages, races, ethnic groups and social classes. The illness tends to run in families and appears to have a genetic link. Like depression and other serious illnesses, bipolar disorder can also negatively affect spouses and partners, family members, friends and coworkers.

Symptoms of Bipolar Disorder

Bipolar disorder differs significantly from clinical depression, although the symptoms for the depressive phase of the illness are similar. Most people who have bipolar disorder talk about experiencing "highs" and "lows" the highs are periods of mania, the lows periods of depression. These swings can be severe, ranging from extreme energy to deep despair. The severity of the mood swings and the way they disrupt normal life activities distinguish bipolar mood episodes from ordinary mood changes.

Symptoms of mania - the "highs" of bipolar disorder

Increased physical and mental activity and energy
Heightened mood, exaggerated optimism and self-confidence
Excessive irritability, aggressive behavior
Decreased need for sleep without experiencing fatigue
Grandiose delusions, inflated sense of self-importance
Racing speech, racing thoughts, flight of ideas
Impulsiveness, poor judgment, distractibility
Reckless behavior
In the most severe cases, delusions and hallucinations

Symptoms of depression - the "lows" of bipolar disorder

Prolonged sadness or unexplained crying spells
Significant changes in appetite and sleep patterns
Irritability, anger, worry, agitation, anxiety
Pessimism, indifference
Loss of energy, persistent lethargy
Feelings of guilt, worthlessness
Inability to concentrate, indecisiveness
Inability to take pleasure in former interests, social withdrawal
Unexplained aches and pains
Recurring thoughts of death or suicide

If you or someone you know has thoughts of death or suicide, contact a medical professional, clergy member, loved one, friend or hospital emergency room or call 1-800-273-TALK or 911 immediately. You cannot diagnose yourself. Only a properly trained health professional can determine if you have bipolar disorder. Our online self-assessment can help you communicate your symptoms to your health care professional.

Many people do not seek medical attention during periods of mania because they feel manic symptoms (increased energy, heightened mood, increased sexual drive, etc.) have a positive impact on them. However, left unchecked, these behaviors can have harmful results.

When symptoms of mania are left untreated, they can lead to illegal or life-threatening situations because mania often involves impaired judgment and reckless behavior. Manic behaviors vary from person to person. All symptoms should be discussed with your doctor.

Types of Bipolar Disorder

Patterns and severity of symptoms, or episodes, of highs and lows, determine different types of bipolar disorder.

Bipolar I disorder is characterized by one or more manic episodes or mixed episodes (symptoms of both a mania and a depression occurring nearly every day for at least 1 week) and one or more major depressive episodes. Bipolar I disorder is the most severe form of the illness marked by extreme manic episodes.

Bipolar II disorder is characterized by one or more depressive episodes accompanied by at least one hypomanic episode. Hypomanic episodes have symptoms similar to manic episodes but are less severe, but must be clearly different from a persons non-depressed mood. For some, hypomanic episodes are not severe enough to cause notable problems in social activities or work. However, for others, they can be troublesome.

Bipolar II disorder may be misdiagnosed as depression if you and your doctor dont notice the signs of hypomania. In a recent DBSA survey, nearly seven out of ten people with bipolar disorder had been misdiagnosed at least once. Sixty percent of those people had been diagnosed with depression. How can I spot hypomania? Talk to your doctor about the possibility of hypomania if youve had periods of several days when your mood is especially energetic or irritable, and/or

You feel unusually confident
You need less sleep
You are unusually talkative
Your thoughts come and go faster than usual
You are more easily distracted or have trouble concentrating
You are more goal-directed at work, school or home
You are more involved in pleasurable or high-risk activities, such as spending or sex
You feel like youre doing or saying things that are unlike your usual self
Other people say youre acting strangely or youre not yourself

Cyclothymic disorder is characterized by chronic fluctuating moods involving periods of hypomania and depression. The periods of both depressive and hypomanic symptoms are shorter, less severe, and do not occur with regularity as experienced with bipolar II or I. However, these mood swings can impair social interactions and work. Many, but not all, people with cyclothymia develop a more severe form of bipolar illness.

There is also a form of the illness called bipolar disorder not otherwise specified (NOS) that does not fit in to one of the above definitions.

Because bipolar disorder is complex and can be difficult to diagnose, you should share all of your symptoms with your health care provider. If you feel your symptoms are not getting better with your current treatment and your doctor does not want to try something new, do not hesitate to see another doctor to get a second opinion.

Treatments for Bipolar Disorder

Several therapies exist for bipolar disorder and promising new treatments are currently under investigation. Because bipolar disorder can be difficult to treat, it is highly recommended that you consult a psychiatrist or a general practitioner with experience in treating this illness. Your treatment may include medications and talk therapy.

Be sure to tell your health care providers all of the symptoms you are having. Report all of the symptoms you have had in the past, even if you dont have them at the time of your appointment. Since these illnesses can run in families, look at your family history. Tell your health care provider if any of your family members experienced severe mood swings, were diagnosed with a mood disorder, had nervous breakdowns or were treated for alcohol or drug abuse. With the right diagnosis, you and your doctor have a better chance of finding a treatment that is right for you.

Learn more about emerging technologies in the treatment of bipolar disorder by clicking here.

Bipolar Disorder in Children

Bipolar disorder is more likely to affect the children of parents who have the disorder. When one parent has bipolar disorder, the risk to each child is estimated to be 15-30%. When both parents have bipolar disorder, the risk increases to 50-75%.

Symptoms of bipolar disorder may be difficult to recognize in children, as they can be mistaken for age-appropriate emotions and behaviors of children and adolescents. Symptoms of mania and depression may appear in a variety of behaviors. When manic, children and adolescents, in contrast to adults, are more likely to be irritable and prone to destructive outbursts than to be elated or euphoric. When depressed, there may be complaints of headaches, stomach aches, tiredness, poor performance in school, poor communication and extreme sensitivity to rejection or failure.

The treatment of bipolar disorder in children is based on experience in treating adults with the illness, since very few studies have been done of the effectiveness and safety of the medications in children and adolescents. It is important to find a doctor that is well-versed in treating this illness in children and one that you work closely with throughout the course of treatment.

According to the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, up to one-third of the 3.4 million children and adolescents with depression in the United States may actually be experiencing the early onset of bipolar disorder.

Helping a Friend

One of the most important thing family and friends can do for a person with bipolar disorder is learn about the illness. Often people who are depressed or experiencing mania or mood swings do not recognize the symptoms in themselves. If you are concerned about a friend or family member, help him or her get an appropriate diagnosis and treatment. This may involve helping the person to find a doctor or therapist and make their first appointment. You may also want to offer go with the person to their first appointment for support. Encourage the individual to stay with treatment. Keep reassuring the person that, with time and help, he or she will feel better.

It is also important to offer emotional support. This involves understanding, patience, affection, and encouragement. Engage the person in conversation and listen carefully. Resist the urge to function as a therapist or try to come up with answers to the persons concerns. Often times we just want someone to listen. Do not put down feelings expressed, but point out realities and offer hope. Invite the depressed person for walks, outings, to the movies, and other activities. Be gently insistent if your first invitation is refused.

It is often a good idea for the person with bipolar disorder to develop a plan should he or she experience severe manic or depressive symptoms. Such a plan might include contacting the persons doctor, taking control of credit cards and car keys or increasing contact with the person until the severe episode has passed. Your plan should be shared with a trusted family member and/or friend. Keep in mind, however, that people with bipolar disorder, like all people, have good and bad days.

Being in a bad mood one day is not necessarily a sign of an upcoming severe episode. Never ignore remarks about suicide. Report them to the person's therapist. Do not promise confidentiality if you believe someone is close to suicide. If you think immediate self-harm is possible, contact their doctor or dial 911 immediately. Make sure the person discusses these feelings with his or her doctor.

With Much Love,Shelagh Blog48291
Stevena Blog87908

ADD/ADHD - Developing Confidence In School

Do you know why you have ADD/ADHD? Because you are extremely intelligent! No, I am not being sarcastic. In fact, I could not be more sincere. Most people with ADD/ADHD (herein called ADHD) have such a strong interest in a great variety of things, they have a hard time maintaining focus on one thing at a time. Of course, there are additional reasons too, but I am here to tell you that every person I know with ADHD (friends, relatives, and students) have an extraordinary number of talents and are all extremely bright. So, why do so many students with ADHD struggle in school?

The traditional school environment is not very exciting for most students, but especially students with ADHD. What they (and some of their teachers) fail to realize is that school is not boring because the information is too complex. On the contraryschool is boring because there is often not enough activity to keep their active minds engaged.

One common characteristic of people with ADHD is that they learn best by doing; they prefer to get their hands on something and figure out how it works rather than read about how it works. They typically represent the epitome of hands on, minds on learners. However, in most school situations, there is way too much idle time sitting at desks.

Many parents of students with ADHD say that their children do best when they can be involved in class by helping the teacher or having some type of leadership role. They thrive on projects and the opportunity to investigate the answer to a problem.

Is ADHD Really a Disorder?

I have always hated the term Attention Deficit Disorder! My observations, from knowing and working with many friends, relatives, and students who have ADHD are that they just have to make some additional accommodations to function in our modern society.

For example, I am left-handed and the whole world is backwards for me. I can never use scissors without looking like I have a physical disability. I always get ink smears on my hand when I write because my hand glides right over the freshly written words. When I have to sign my name on a credit card machine, the stylus is always on the wrong side of the machine and my signature looks like that of a kindergartner. The desks in college were all backwards for me so I had to learn how to write on my lap and looked like I was hunchback.

Does this mean I have a disorder? Of course not! It just means that I need to make some accommodations and accept the fact that people will make fun of me when I use scissors or try to pay for my groceries. Technically, ADHD is a disorder because it is a medical condition caused by an imbalance of chemicals in the brain and can be treated medically, but the word disorder makes it sound as if there is something wrong with people who have ADHD. On the contrary. For most people, it is simply a process of making some adjustments.

What Are Those Adjustments?

There are an infinite number of strategies and tricks that may be helpful for people who have ADHD and most will be a matter of what works best for each individual. However, there are three factors that are key to making any strategy successful:

Develop healthy routines. People with ADHD have a hard time creating structure within their own minds, so they must rely on structure from outside sources and develop habitual routines to help them keep track of their responsibilities and belongings. For example, one man I know with ADHD explained, I was always leaving things behind in restaurants and stores; my wallet, keys, jacket, briefcase, diaper bag, etc. So I started getting in the habit of looking back every time I left a table, seat, or check-out counter to make sure I didnt leave anything. It works well. I havent left anything behind in years!

Good routines to develop for school include using a planner, taking a few minutes at the end of every day to clean garbage out of your book bag and put papers in your folders, and gather everything you need for school the night before so you dont forget anything in the chaos of the morning.

Find a mentor. When you are trying to develop routines and change habits to be successful in school, it is always helpful to have someone who can be your sounding board, who can help motivate you, and keep you focused. A good mentor should be a responsible and trusted adult or older student whom you trust; perhaps a neighbor, aunt/uncle, tutor, personal coach, community volunteer, peer counselor or student from a local high school or college. Try to avoid having your parent fill this role because you are likely to quickly perceive your parents as nagging you rather than encouraging you. A mentor may sometimes nag, but is often easier to take it from someone other than a parent.

Your mentor will help you identify some goals and check in with you every other day or two-three times per week to see what you are doing to reach those goals and offer you encouragement. They should be available to listen to you vent when you are frustrated and may have some suggestions to help you. Of course, your mentor will also be on hand to help you celebrate each of your accomplishments along the way, even the small ones.

Take it one step at a time. Try to figure out the one area that is causing you the greatest problem and work on this first. You may want to talk to your parents, teachers, and even your mentor to determine where to start. For example, if your teachers tell you that the main reason that your grades are falling is because you are not turning in your assignments, then you know that this is what you should try to improve first. Get help from your teachers, guidance counselors, parents, your mentor, and the free Homework Rx Toolkit at our website to help you determine strategies that will help you with this one problem. Give it one or two months and then identify the next problem.

Do not give up! Everyone has moments when they fall backwards as they try to reach their goals; everyone from straight-A students to the CEO of a major company. This is a natural part of life. The key for anyone to be successful, however, is to pick yourself up, dust yourself off, and keep moving. Youll see positive results very soon!

© 2006 Susan Kruger, All rights reserved.

Find more resources for homework help, including a free Homework Rx Toolkit, at Susan Kruger, M.Ed. is a certified teacher and learning specialist. She combined her personal struggles as a student with her professional expertise to create a powerful, student-friendly system. She has taught her SOAR Study Skills workshops to hundreds of students with great success!Shirlene Blog25559
Staci Blog65892

San Francisco Schools Connect To China And Its Chinese Community

The Alice Fong Yu Alternative School

The Alice Fong Yu Alternative School, one San Francisco School, is the first Chinese immersion school in the United States. The school is designed as a two-way Chinese/English instructional environment. The school provides an outstanding educational experience for children of all backgrounds. All students at Alice Fong Yu develop competency in the Cantonese and English languages and use the two languages actively in the content curriculum. The school aims to have all students to be able to converse in and become literate in both English and Cantonese by 5th grade. The Mandarin language is added after the fifth grade. The Mandarin/English program is similar in scope and function to the Cantonese/English program. The program is intended to vigorously include the staff, parents, and students in cultural and language education. The Alice Fong Yu school uses parents and volunteers in a variety of enrichment programs such as, Performing Arts Workshop, Poets in the Schools, and science and library consultants.

The Alice Fong Yu Alternative Schools Chinese Exchange Program

Created in 2000, the exchange program sends the eighth grade class to Beijing to meet their Chinese pen pals. The program gives students the opportunity to use their knowledge of the Chinese language and culture in a real life experience. The students travel to Beijing and Hong Kong where they meet Chinese students their own age. This experience allows students to experience the culture first-hand and put their language skills to the ultimate test.

In January of 2005, the program came closer to being a true exchange program. San Francisco Schools through the Alice Fong Yu School hosted students and teachers from The Experimental High School Attached to Beijing Normal University. The selected students and two teachers from China stayed with host families and participated in classes and school functions including English, art and modern dance classes. The Chinese students were able to tour City College, the Chinese Consulate and many interesting tourist destinations in the San Francisco area. Both the local and Chinese students spent their time practicing English and Mandarin.

Dance and Art Students from San Francisco Schools Travel to China

Other programs in San Francisco Schools have allowed students to travel to China to participate in international exchanges and competitions. This summer five students from the San Francisco School of Arts will travel to ShenZhen, China as representatives of the United States at the ShenZhen International Culture and Arts Festival. As part of an Educational Exchange program facilitated by Dr. Marie Lee, Director of East/West Child Research and Development Center and former school administrator of the San Francisco Schools, all student expenses in China will be provided in full by the ShenZhen Nanshan Government. The five selected students will perform two dances, Chant of the Sirens and Basin Street Blues. The School of the Arts students were the only students from the United States invited to the Festival in 2006. The three hundred students at the Festival represented countries from around the world including: Australia/ New Zealand, Russia, Germany, Bulgaria, Canada, India, Taiwan, Hong Kong, and others. Along with performing at the Festival students will visit schools, attend art exhibitions, eat new foods, visit tourist locations, and learn about Chinese culture and language while staying with Chinese families and students.

Stacy Andell is a staff writer for Schools K-12, providing free, in-depth reports on all U.S. public and private K-12 schools. Stacy has a nose for research and writes stimulating news and views on school issues. For more on San Francisco schools visit Blog25866
Stephine Blog71618

Private Angel Investor - How to Take Their NO!

Picture this scenario and let me know if it sounds familiar. Youve met with a potential private angel investor about your new startup opportunity. During the meeting the private angel investor told you that the business plan sounded interesting and they really liked the opportunity. They enthusiastically shook your hand on your way out the door and you left feeling elated.

Days later you waited patiently by the phone for a follow-up call, but the phone didnt ring. You checked your e-mail, your instant messenger, and your text messages nothing. The days soon turned into weeks and somehow you never heard a peep from those highly interested private angel investors.

What went wrong?

The short answer is that nothing went wrong - thats the way private angel investors work. You see, private angel investors speak a very different language that most entrepreneurs have a hard time translating. They tell entrepreneurs that they are excited about a business opportunity which entrepreneurs of course take to mean they are ready to invest.

What they really mean is that they have no interest in investing in your company, but they want to leave the relationship on a positive note in case they ever change their mind. Its like going on a date in high school with someone and not officially telling them youre not interested just in case one day they turn into Brad Pitt or Angelina Jolie.

Why Private Angel Investors Cant Say NO Directly

The truth is that private angel investors cant afford to say no to any opportunity in a direct manner. Most opportunities that pass through their door might sound terrible today, but tomorrow they could be the next MySpace or Google. Smart private angel investors know that theres no value in ruining a relationship with an entrepreneur just because the deal doesnt make sense today.

This is of course completely maddening to the entrepreneur. In life were used to hearing no when someone means no. To make matters worse, entrepreneurs are so excited to get their deals funded that they often perceive anything that isnt a heck no to mean yes.

The Art of the LONG NO

Private angel investors have made what I call the long no into an art form. Theyve found dozens of ways to avoid saying no while meaning no way. The result is a long, roundabout way to tell you no without actually saying it. To help you understand this process a little bit more, let me give you some examples of what the long no sounds like.

The long no often involves some iteration of the phrase interesting. Youll hear something like sounds interesting or this could be real interesting which of course sounds like a positive response. In reality, its the equivalent of describing your not-so-attractive date as having a really good personality. You dont want to offend them, but you dont want to tell them what you really think either.

Although it may sound counter-intuitive, you dont want to be interesting. You want to be invested in, which means you need to get as quickly past sounds interesting as possible and get right on to we really want to get this deal done today.

Youll also get a fair amount of let us think about it or let us get back to you. These are also telltale signs of the long no. Private angel investors run across very few deals that are exciting enough to invest in, so you can imagine the ones that they like get their immediate attention. They didnt forget to call you back they are just ignoring you.

Entrepreneurs often think of pitch meetings with private angel investors they way they think about sales meetings with customers. Sales meetings usually involve follow-ups with an eventual close after the decision-maker has had time to decide.

Private angel investors on the other hand are more likely to have made their decision before you even walk out of the room, whether they express it or not. Therefore you can imagine if they are not following back up with you right away, your deal probably isnt going to get done.

The Answer Is NO Until the Check Clears

Instead of driving yourself crazy listening to private angel investor double-speak and corporate euphemisms, perhaps you should try this piece of advice assume the answer is no until the private angel investors check clears.

That may sound overly pessimistic but youll probably find after spending enough time with private angel investors thats its a far more pragmatic approach. Its typical for an entrepreneur to spend 6 9 months trying to raise capital (if they raise any at all) and most of this time is spent being misled by private angel investor reactions.

Assume everything an private angel investor says that doesnt involve writing a check is as good as hearing the word no. Even if you are fortunate enough to get into the nitty gritty of a deal where you begin to talk through specific deal terms dont assume the answer is yes. Assume the answer is absolutely no until the private angel investor has written the check and handed it to you. And then assume its no until it clears.

Wil Schroter is the Founder and CEO of the Go BIG Network, the largest network of startup companies and entrepreneurs. He is also the author of the new book Go BIG or Go HOME, download it for FREE at Blog33973
Shantee Blog12169

Recall Fever Rages In The Michigan Schools

According to an August 14th article in the Detroit Daily News, an unintended consequence of the Michigan schools funding crisis is a growing number of recalls within the Metro-Detroit area. The grassroots efforts attempt to oust school board officials, who make unfavorable decisions within the Detroit school districts.

With the funding crisis within the Michigan schools, many local district school board members have been forced to make many difficult decisions to cut costs. Buildings have been closed, and employees have been laid off.

Recall of elected local Michigan schools officials is to be used for officials who do things that are illegal, immoral or negligent. Voters, however, are using the recall to target their local Michigan schools board members for making unpopular decisions.

Such grassroots actions create the need for special elections. Even if tacked on to another local election, it is costly. Some recall elections can cost as little as $15,000 or as much as $50,000. This is money that could be used directly for student curriculum.

There have been two unsuccessful local Michigan schools recalls in the Livonia and St. Clair Shores Lakeview school districts. Voters, who did not believe it worth the cost of a special election, sidelined the St. Clair recall. Current petition drives for a recall are raging in Garden City, Redford Union, and Van Buren school districts, as well as Port Huron.

Five Garden City school board members are being targeted for voting to eliminate 29.5 custodial positions and four food service workers. The local school district, which faced a $2.7 million deficit, will save $2.1 million over the next three years due to the boards decision.

Five Van Buren board members also are being targeted for recall. Residents believe they have mismanaged money and have twice floated failed proposals to pay for a new high school. Many people believe that something can be done with the current high school, rather than building a new one.

Brad Banasik, an attorney for the Michigan Association of School Boards, is astonished by the recall fever. He states it is an unprecedented number of recall attempts. Unfortunately, the Michigan schools funding crisis continues, which means more difficult decisions by local Michigan schools officials, who must cut spending in order to meet more important budgetary needs. Yet, the community is basically saying, Do something we do not like, and you will be recalled!

It is frustrating for local Michigan schools officials. Lisa Gubachy, a targeted board member in the Redford Union school district, summed it up best when she said, Somebody was going to be unhappy no matter what decision the board made. She wonders why she keeps doing it, but then quickly reminds herself, it is for the kids.

Patricia Hawke is a staff writer for Schools K-12, providing free, in-depth reports on all U.S. public and private K-12 schools. For more information Michigan on schools visit Blog47637
Stacy Blog43232

From Poetry to Tapestries: The Life of William Morris

The talents of William Morris knew no bounds. An extraordinarily gifted craftsman he succeeded at everything he tried his hand at. And with an innate curiosity and an appreciation of all things beautiful he tried his hands at almost everything.

Early life

Born on 24th March 1834 in Walthamstow, Essex Morris had a comfortable childhood before attending Marlborough and Exeter College, Oxford. Whilst studying for Holy Orders at Oxford in 1853 he met Edward Burne-Jones who would later become his business partner and lifelong friend. He abandoned his studies after reading the social criticism of Carlyle, Kingsley and Ruskin and decided instead to become an architect. The young novice became an apprentice to the G.E. Street, an architect involved in the Gothic revival. But impulsively creative he soon tired of this and began, like his friend Burne-Jones, to paint.

Finding art his forte he embraced it fully, writing poetry and printing and learning how to weave and dye and work a loom. It was the latter pursuit that would come to demonstrate Morriss talent at its most impressive. His spectacular tapestries became his most famous creations.

Morris developed an array of skills. He learned to embroider by unpicking antique pieces to learn the stitches; he set up a loom in his house and taught himself to weave with only an 18th century French manual for guidance. Within a matter of months he had completed his first tapestry design. Acanthus and Vine was designed and woven by Morris in 1879.

Morris, Marshall, Faulkner & Co.

In 1861 Morris founded Morris, Marshall, Faulkner and Company along with friends Peter Paul Marshall and Charles Faulkner and subsequently begun the Arts and Craft Movement. Together with Edward Burne-Jones and fellow artists Ford Maddox Brown and Dante Gabriel Rosetti, the group produced some of the most creative tapestries and wall hangings Britain had seen. Indeed it was Morriss ambition to breathe new life into the art and he achieved it. Morriss wall hangings and tapestries still remain an important influence on design today. It was Morris himself who once said Whatever you have in your room, think first of the walls, for they are that which makes your house and home (1882).

His most famous works generally featured figures drew by Burne-Jones. Morris would design the background and the tapestry would be woven by Morris, Marshall, Faulkner & co, which became simply Morris & Co in 1874 when Morris took sole control.

William Morris tapestries

The Quest for the Holy Grail, currently exhibited at the Birmingham Museum is one of the most well known works of Morris & Co. Like many of the others, the tapestry, which depicts the fascinating story of the search for the Holy Grail, was designed by Edward Burne-Jones. It is one of six wall hangings illustrating the story and was woven in 1895-96.

One of the most intricate and beautiful creations from the company, known as the Firm, is the Tree of Life tapestry. Designed by Morris it demonstrates his talent with patterns and his awareness and appreciation of the use of colour. Symbolising growth and continuous life, the Tree of Life wall hanging is still one Morriss most recognised works.

Morris & Co.s most popular religious tapestry The Adoration of Magi was first produced in 1890. As well as being Morriss most ecclesiastical it was also the most complex. At least ten similar versions of the tapestry were woven between 1890-1907. Originally designed by Burne-Jones the tapestry depicts the Nativity scene.

Possibly the most captivating and charming of Morris & Co.s tapestries is the Ehret die Frauen.

Designed by Marianne Stokes the hanging was inspired by a quotation from Friedrich von Schiller's 1796 poem "Wurde der Frauen" (Women's Worth), which appears in the upper border: "Honour the Women, they broid and weave heavenly roses into earthly life."

Real beauty does not age

Morris was one of the most prolific artists of the nineteenth century. The works of William Morris are proof that real beauty does not age. As popular today as they were over a century ago, Morris tapestries have continued to play a big part in sophisticated home dcor. As Morris himself once said Have nothing in your houses that you do not know to be useful or believe to be beautiful (1882).

Copyright © The Tapestry House, all rights reserved.

Christine Toner writes on a number of subjects for the Tapestry House including unicorn art.Sherilyn Blog76402
Sherilyn Blog31238

I Love Italian Wine and Food - The Emilia-Romagna Region

Emilia-Romagna stretches from the Ligurian border in northeastern Italy to the Adriatic Sea. As the name indicates, historically it was composed of two regions, Emilia and Romagna. It may be the only region of Italy named for a road, one constructed by the Ancient Romans almost 2200 years ago. It is one of the most prosperous regions of Italy with strong agricultural, industrial, and tourist economic activity. Its total population is about 3.9 million.

Emilia-Romagna produces a very wide variety of pasta, fruits and vegetables, olive oil, balsamic vinegar, cheese, and fresh and cured meats. Two of its biggest stars are a cheese, Parmigiano Regianno, and a ham, Prosciutto di Parma. Parmesan cheese as its known in English, was mentioned by the famous Italian author of the Fourteenth Century, Giovanni Boccaccio. We review it below. Parma ham, as its known in English, is an uncooked ham that is dry cured for at least ten months. Usually it is served in very thin slices, often as appetizer with melon.

Bologna whose population is about 375,000 is the administrative center of Emilia-Romagna. It is the home of the first university in the Western World, founded in the 11th Century. Bologna is also considered the capital of Italian gastronomy, in spite of its unfortunate association with a low-quality sandwich meat. Another city of interest is Rimini, a resort center on the Adriatic Sea with a population of 135 thousand.

Emilia-Romagna devotes about 178,000 acres to grapevines, it ranks 5th among the 20 Italian regions. Its total annual wine production is about 125 million gallons, giving it a 4th place. About 57% of the wine production is red, leaving 43% for white. The region produces 18 DOC wines. DOC stands for Denominazione di Origine Controllata, which may be translated as Denomination of Controlled Origin, presumably a high-quality wine and 1 DOCG white wine, Albana di Romagna. The G in DOCG stands for Garantita, but there is in fact no guarantee that such wines are truly superior. In fact, while this wine was the first white wine to be accorded the DOCG designation in Italy (1987), many feel that Albana di Romagna does not deserve such an award. (I have never tasted this wine, and from the reviews that Ive read, Im in no hurry to taste it.) About 21% of Emilia-Romagna wine carries the DOC or DOCG designation. Emilia-Romagna is home to more than four dozen major and secondary grape varieties, a few more red than white.

Widely grown international white grape varieties include Malvasia and Trebbiano. The best known strictly Italian white varieties are Albana (source of the DOCG wine) and Pignoletto.

Cabernet Sauvignon is the only widely grown international red grape variety. The best known strictly Italian red variety is Bonarda. The Italian red varieties Barbera and Sangiovese are found elsewhere, including California.

Before we reviewing the Emilia-Romagna wine and cheese that we were lucky enough to purchase at a local wine store and a local Italian food store, here are a few suggestions of what to eat with indigenous wines when touring this beautiful region.

Start with Gelato di Parmigiano, Parmigiano Ice Cream, which includes heavy cream and grated Parmigiano-Reggiano cheese, suggested as an appetizer.

A more traditional dish is Scaloppine di Vitello alla Bolognese, Veal Scaloppine all Bolognese, which also includes Parmigiano-Reggiano cheese, as well as other local specialties Prosciutto di Parma and balsamic vinegar.

For dessert (as if the ice cream wasnt a dessert) try Torta Bonissima, a Honey and Nut Pie.

OUR WINE REVIEW POLICY While we have communicated with well over a thousand Italian wine producers and merchants to help prepare these articles, our policy is clear. All wines that we taste and review are purchased at the full retail price.

Wine Reviewed

Donini Lamberti Trebbiano-Chardonnay IGT 2005 12% alcohol about $8 (liter)

Everybody has prejudices. I approached this bottle with several of them. It seems to me that a liter of wine is usually too big, accentuating quantity at the expense of quality. Given the economics of the wine industry, I am usually reticent to purchase a bottle for $8, which would be $6 for a regular-sized bottle. And finally while Emilia-Romagna is often known for its red wines, it is not particularly known for its white wines, with an unfortunate exception, the DOCG wine Albana di Romagna, discussed above. And now to the actual wine.

The first time that I drank this wine I found that its taste was one of green apples, dominating everything else but still light on flavor if not unpleasant. It didnt really accompany the food, a breaded chicken cutlet in sweet and sour sauce with potatoes cooked in chicken fat. As the wine aged a bit, (it takes a long time to finish a liter if you dont care to drink very much at a time) it got better instead of worse. I have read that 3.5 million bottles of this type wine are produced yearly. I understand that it is popular in fish restaurants along the Adriatic Sea. Id love to find out for sure. Final verdict, not bad for the price.

Parmigiano-Reggiano is a cooked, unpressed semi-fat hard cheese made from raw cows milk. It is encased in a thin, yellow rind. This cheese is finely grained and very flaky. Its taste is delicate and fragrant, and frankly wasted with a wine of this quality.

Levi Reiss has authored or co-authored ten books on computers and the Internet, but to be honest, he would rather just drink fine Italian or other wine, accompanied by the right foods. He teaches classes in computers at an Ontario French-language community college. His wine website is . You can reach him at Blog27423
Stefa Blog26798

All-new 2007 BMW X5 SAV: Third row option and many firsts for an SUV

It will be BMWs first ever car to be made available with the option of a third-row seating, to welcome up to seven passengers.

That's the all-new, second-generation BMW X5 SUV, to be launched soon in Europe.

SUV or... SAV for Sports Activity Vehicle, as BMW called it since its launched its first generation in 1999, lifting its image - and specifications - above the more utilitarian attribute of Sports Utility Vehicles.

Selling more than 580,000 units of the first X5 generation was a respectable figure for a luxury priced SUV, considering in particular that it was the first step for the Bavarian brand into the SUV market as such. Having well over half a million people trust the brand with its first step in SUV land, especially in the elitist premium price brackets, can be safely qualified as an achievement.

The all-new X5 will be available then in standard 5- or optional 7-passenger configurations, and in any case, with more power, lower emissions, better fuel consumption, an all-new six-speed automatic gearbox and several new technologies in the segment such as the head-up display, run-flat tyres, adaptive drive suspension management.

Back in 1999, t he first generation BMW X5 was the first SUV-type vehicle to offer a genuinely sporty car-like drive, thanks to its crossover structure with a unitary body construction rather than a traditional truck-like body-on-frame architecture.

Hence the German automaker Sports Activity Vehicle phrase to underline its dynamic attributes over the rather utilitarian construction of many traditional SUVs.

Seven years after its 1999 Frankfurt Motor Show debut, the all-new X5 mission will be to reconfirm, once again, its premium status with a new list of firsts for its category. The Bavarian carmaker describes it new X5 as the worlds first SAV (OK, we'll read it as crossover SUV) to be offered with Head-up Display, an active suspension system - BMWs adaptive drive package, active steering and run-flat tyres.

For a brand often described as the ultimate driving machine, description starts from... the engines, naturally. And the new BMW X5 is powered by the latest, most advanced engines.

A choice of three units will offered at launch, two petrol and one diesel, all of which feature increased power compared to the engines in the outgoing model, while also posting more economical consumption figures and reduced emissions.

In the UK, the biggest seller is expected to be a 2,993cc six-cylinder diesel but, for those preferring petrol power, the X5 can also be specified with a 2,996cc six-cylinder or a 4,799cc V8 engine.

Starting from the most frugal between the three choices, the BMW X5 3.0d uses a diesel engine with high-precision piezo crystal injection technology for better economy and emission figures. This advanced technology, combined with the introduction of an all aluminium crankcase that saves 25kgs in weight compared to the former 3.0-litre diesel engine, sees the new X5 record improved performance figures. It is now seven per cent more fuel efficient with a combined fuel consumption figure of 32.5 UK mpg (27.08 US mpg), or 8.69 litres per 100 km, while also emitting eight per cent less CO2. The 3.0d engine records 231g/km.

Although more economical, the new BMW X5 3.0d comes with increased power. Output is 231hp, up six per cent compared to the previous model, and maximum torque is 520 Nm, up four per cent. Peak torque is available from 2,000 to 2 ,750 rpm offering near swift yet refined motoring, powering the BMW X5 3.0d from zero to 62mph (100 km/h) in 8.3 seconds before reaching a top speed of 134 mph (215 km/h), or 130 mph (209 km/h) for the non-Dynamic Package equipped model.

Based on the worlds lightest production inline six-cylinder petrol engine, the BMW X5 3.0si comes equipped with BMWs Double Vanos and Valvetronic variable valve technologies for high performance, yet economical motoring. In simple terms, Double Vanos determines when the engines valves open (timing), while Valvetronic determines by how much they should open (lift).

The net effect of both systems is that the engine is operating constantly at its optimum efficiency with only the exact amount of fuel needed being used. Hence, the X5 3.0si has a combined fuel consumption of 25.9 UK mpg (21.58 US mpg), or 10.9 litres per100 km, an 18 per cent improvement compared to the previous X5 3.0i, and an emissions figure of 260g/km.

Developing 272hp at 6,650rpm, the engine peak torque of 315 Nm is reached at 2,750rpm, with zero to 62mph dispatched in 8.1 seconds. Top speed for the new BMW X5 3.0si is 140mph (225 km/h) when fitted with the Dynamic Package, or 130mph (210 km/h) without it.

With its 355hp engine, the BMW X5 4.8i is the flagship of the range. It is faster from zero to 62mph and has a higher top speed than the supercharged Range Rover Sport or a Mercedes Benz ML500 Sport. The 4,799cc V8 powers the X5 4.8i to 62mph in 6.5 seconds, on its way to a top speed of 150mph (241 km/h), when fitted with the Dynamic Package. With this performance, fuel consumption is 22.6 UK mpg (18.83 US mpg), or 12.5 litres / 100 km on the combined cycle and emissions are 299g/km.

The new BMW X5 comes with an all-new faster-shifting six-speed automatic transmission. It features a new torque converter with enhanced software resulting in gearshift times up to 50 per cent quicker than the previous automatic gearbox.

A new design of gearstick also creates more space on the centre console for additional storage space and cupholders, while the use of an electronic parking brake (EPB) in place of a conventional handbrake aids ergonomics further.

The BMW X5 intelligent xDrive four-wheel-drive system transfers power between front and rear wheels depending on available grip for optimum handling, and it can now be specified with Adaptive Drive and Active Steering - two advanced systems never offered before on a BMW X model.

Adaptive Drive uses active hydraulic anti-roll bars to counteract the cornering forces of the car to keep the body from leaning too heavily and unsettling the occupants. In addition, the system incorporates an Electronic Damper Control system that uses sensors to continuously adjust the damper setting for the optimum comfort.

Active Steering - To make parking effortless at slow speeds, active steering uses an electronically operated planetary gear intersecting the steering shaft to add more lock than inputted by the driver. Steering becomes more direct. When driving at speed, the opposite occurs for a smoother, more composed ride.

The new BMW X5 can be optionally specified with Head-up Display a first for its category. For enhanced safety, the system projects speed, navigation and check control messages into the line of sight of the driver who can keep his /her eyes on the road ahead while still being made aware of important instructions.

Another safety benefit comes from the standard fitting (UK specs) of run-flat tyres again a first for an SAV or SUV. Run-flat tyres allow a driver to continue the journey in the event of a puncture for up to 90 miles (145 km) at speeds of 50mph (80 km/h).

Run-flat tyres also provide the best stability in the event of a blowout.

The BMW X5 comes fitted with 18-inch alloy wheels and run-flat tyres as standard with optional 19- and 20-inch alloy wheels offered.

With the latest in traction control technology, Dynamic Stability Control+, comes also standard (UK specs), with four unique functions for added safety and comfort:

- Brake Pre-tensioning shortens stopping distances during an emergency stop by priming the brakes should it detect the driver lifting off the accelerator sharply in reaction to an incident ahead.

- Brake Drying improves braking performance in the wet by periodically applying the brake pads to scrub away the film of water that can build up on the brake discs.

- Hill Start Assistant allows a car to pull away smoothly on a steep gradient without rolling backwards, courtesy of the brakes being held for the short time it takes the driver to apply the accelerator after releasing the foot or handbrake.

- Brake Fade Compensation applies additional braking without any extra effort from the driver should sensors detect that the brake pads are starting to lose bite due to heat build up.

With the new X5, the driver will also be able to select the Dynamic Traction Control (DTC) function of DSC+. DTC allows for a greater degree of wheel slip for more spirited driving without the main traction control system safety net intervening. This option can be selected via a button on the centre console.

In a first for a BMW, the new X5 can be specified with an optional third row of seats allowing up to seven occupants to be transported in comfort. An increase of 19cms in overall body length and an increase in body width of 6cms, combined with innovative design, has made it possible to introduce a brace of seats in the rear, while still retaining luggage space.

With all seven seats in place, there is 200 litres of boot space (half the average of a family car boot / trunk volume). The two extra seats, complete with three-point seat belts and head restraints, are stowed under the boot floor when not in use. BMW X5 owners who do not specify the third row of seats benefit instead from an additional 90-litre storage compartment situated below the boot floor.

In a standard five-seat configuration the boot measures 620 litres up 155 litres (33.33%) compared to the outgoing X5. For sizeable objects, luggage capacity increases to 1,750 litres with all the rear seats stowed - a figure greater than that of any other BMW.

While being one of the most practical cars BMW has ever made, the new X5 still has, as expected from the brand, with its premium prices too, a luxurious interior feel and a dynamic and sporty exterior shape.

A drag coefficient as low as 0.33 places the BMW X5 at the top of its segment as the most aerodynamically efficient large SUV. This low figure is partly achieved by a rear tailgate that incorporates a roof spoiler and a near flat underbody to aid airflow.

In the UK, nine exterior colours will be offered initially (from next spring) alongside four levels of trim and seven upholstery colours.

BMWs iDrive control system also comes to the X5 for the first time. A new wave style of dashboard houses the colour display while the iDrive controller sits on the centre console adjacent to the new style of gear selector. The controller is complemented by eight buttons integrated as system short cuts for ease of use.

Supplementing the standard fit front and rear Park Distance Control , X5 customers can optionally order a rear camera for added parking convenience. Automatically activated when the reverse gear is selected, the driver is presented with a wide-angle colour image on the iDrive display in the centre console.

Additional photos and specifications can be found with the article at:

Bechara Aboul-Nasr: Automotive editor and publisher of Motion Trends car magazine and media services. Based in Toulouse, France, since Oct. 2000. Previously, automotive editor of Al Hayat International daily newspaper in London, UK (1988-2000).Sibilla Blog35064
Sianna Blog16321

Important facts you need to know about Selling on Ebay

Selling on Ebay is almost as easy as buying on ebay.

Thanks to Ebay, selling on Ebay is simple and easy, but there are still a few things you need to know.

Most Ebay members find that they can readily sell some of their treasure that have been stored in the attic, basement, and/ or garage. We need to give Ebay credit, because credit is due. Selling on Ebay is safe and secure. Over the years, Ebay has strove to make their site a unique community. Ebay is one of the busiest sites on the internet, because of their diligence in the areas of trust, safety and security. They have achieved phenomenal success and growth because they have earned it.

Why is this success so GREAT? The members of Ebay benefit directly! The better Ebay becomes, the more that the buyers and sellers benefit.

It has become a circle, more traffic means more sellers. More sellers means more choices and more buyers . Selling on ebay has not only been made easy...Ebay will hand carry you through the process. Ebay also has Ebay university (I am a graduate-smile), which is a wealth of information. More and more people think about going to Ebay before they buy. More and more people are benefitting by selling on Ebay.

Ebay has made selling on ebay so easy because they do not just tell you WHAT TO DO...they tell you HOW TO DO it. If you can follow directions, you can start selling on Ebay. If you have a question, about 99.99% of the time, ebay will have an easy to find and easy to follow answer. If not, Ebay will answer your question or you can probably find a quick answer at Ebay community, where you will find forums, blogs, discussion, chat and more.

Ebay can be proud of the fact that they have over 200,000 members with a growth rate of over 30% last year. Yet, they have maintained a close knit community atmosphere. Ebay members will bend over backwards to help each other! Ebay has successfully created a bond, a unity, a family...also the busiest marketplace on the planet.

Selling on Ebay and Buying on Ebay have never been better. If you are thinking about trying out Ebay as a buyer or seller, by all means, DO IT! You will find that it is easy and simple.


I probably do not need to tell anyone that the buying is fun, but most people are pleasantly surprised to find that SELLING ON EBAY IS FUN. Ebay gets you to try it and then you find out that it is not only easy, IT IS FUN! AHA! You have fallen into Ebay's trap (GRIN), sell some of your treasures, ENJOY YOURSELF WHILE YOU ARE SELLING ON EBAY, and...the icing on the cake...MAKE SOME EXTRA MONEY!

Actually, there are thousands of ebay members that are enjoying a full time, work at home income from selling on ebay. Ebay is also helping struggling college students, single parents, people in need of extra income and much, much more. In other words, ebay is a steady source of extra income for many, many members as well. If you are considering selling on Ebay as a hobby, great! If you are considering selling on Ebay as a steady source of income, your timing could not be better.

Selling on Ebay as a steady source of income is one of the best ideas that you could have! There are no SECRETS and there is no MAGIC to selling on Ebay. Most of what you will need to know is available for free.

There are a few important facts that you should know!

A steady income will not be maintained by all your treasure. Selling your treasure is a geat way to start, but sooner or later you will need a dependable supply, a dependable source of product or products (whatever you will sell). So you run into the two major questions that a new Ebay seller faces. What do you sell? Where will you get it? The possibilities are endless, which makes your choice even more confusing.

You may want to consider a wholesaler and/or dropshipper. You want and need a steady dependable supply, and you will need to be able to buy low and sell high. You should be able to get a good price from a wholesaler and a dropshipper. A dropshipper will take your order and send it directly to your customer, usually for a fee. The advantages of dropshipping is that you have no money tied up in inventory, no storage problems, and the dropshipper takes care of shipping and handling. A wholesaler usually has minimum quantities, so you will typically end up having the product shipped to you. You will therefore have money tied up in product(risk) and you will have to handle shipping and handling. Do not rule out wholesale opprotunities, but as a new seller you should look long and hard at dropshipping. Later, with more experience and more capital, you may want to get into wholesale or bulk can make a killing in this can also lose your shirt. So WAITING until you have more experience and money is good advice.

I am a webmaster and have several sites about starting up an internet business...I have one particular site which has a whole section dedicated to just Ebay. You might be curious about some of the history of ebay, but you will also find helpful resources and tools, that you can use to solve the questions of what to sell and where to get it. Did you know that there are tools that can help you use Ebay itself as a source of supply, and how you can make handsome profits.

For more information click here:

You will find that after you visit the ebay section, you will have information to help you solve the problem of product and supply.

You are almost ready to start making money, selling on Ebay, just one more important issue that you need to be aware of.


When using Ebay as a steady source of income, please consider an ebay store, immediately, or sooner-smile. The advantages far outweigh any disadvantage. There is really no disadvantge...the small cost will save you money. With an Ebay store, you can open a store in the busiest market place in the world!!!... with very little start up cost! As an ebay store owner, you will have everything you need to run an online store...ebay has thought of it all. (There are a few accounting and Email tools, you will need later, but not until your business and your client base is built up). You will have fun and make money...oh other will need to provide some time and effort...I call that "the law" of economics. On the other hand, with some investment of time and effort, you have an opportunity to leverage your income...your income is unlimited. A part-time venture with little start up cost has the potential of making you a lot of money! Ebay has made it so simple that anyone can do it! I wish you MUCH SUCCESS with your new Ebay store!


George Pierce

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